Oral & Systemic Health

Did you know that your mouth is attached to your body?

Anything that goes under your mouth can affect what's going on in your whole body.

How does oral health affect heart health?

Oral health can affect heart health in that we have seen bacteria that's present in the oral cavity with people with gum disease. And there's a commonality between that and the bacteria they find in people's hearts with heart disease.

Can oral health impact diabetes management?

If you have bad oral hygiene, that can definitely affect diabetes management. When you have diabetes, you don't heal very well. So if your mouth is not clean, then that's going to affect your diabetes.

Why is dental care important during pregnancy?

Dental care is really important during pregnancy because now you're kind of responsible for another life in your body. So anything you eat, any bacteria in your mouth can get passed on in utero to your baby.

Is there a link between oral health and cancer risk?

There are some associations, mostly between cancer of the area right here, which is your esophagus and your upper GI tract that have been studied on.

How can poor oral health affect the immune system?

Well, if you're not healthy here, that's going to affect you here. So eating well, taking care of your mouth, keeping your teeth clean, that's going to help your gut health. That's going to help everything in this area and everywhere in your body to function a lot better.