What is a nightguard?
A nightguard is a 3D printed splint that is custom-made for you and your mouth.
What is the purpose of a nightguard?
The purpose of a nightguard is to protect your teeth from clenching and grinding and wearing each other out. Instead, you're clenching and grinding and wearing away the splint instead of your own teeth.
How do I know if I need a nightguard?
You may have some symptoms like waking up with headaches in the morning, jaw soreness, pain or discomfort on opening wide, pain or discomfort when you're chewing. You may have soreness in this area or maybe the back of your neck, and you may hear some clicking and popping in this area. Those are all signs and symptoms of needing a nightguard.
What is the difference between a store-bought nightguard and one that is professionally made?
The store-bought ones are just kind of what's called boil and bite. You make it warm somehow, you stick it in your own mouth and you bite down. The ones that we make are custom-made to you, plus we get your bite in a way that positions your muscles into a more relaxed position so that when you have that guard in, you're not able to clench your muscles. It helps to force relaxation, and it's custom-made so it stays in and is more secure in your mouth.
What is the lifespan of a nightguard?
As long as you take care of it, don't lose it, and can keep track of it, it should last you a very long time. I personally have had mine for over 10 years, so 10 years and counting is the longest I've seen. I've had patients who have had some since they were very young.
What does a nightguard look like?
A nightguard is basically clear, like this, and fitted on your top teeth or bottom teeth. Depending on when you clench, we make one for the upper teeth if you clench at night. If you clench during the day, we make one for your lower teeth so you can talk with it in.
Does dental insurance cover a nightguard?
It really depends on your insurance, but when you come in, we can always check for you.
How can I schedule an appointment for a nightguard?
You can always call us. Technically, you do need to be diagnosed before just getting a guard, so call us and come in for an exam so we can check.
If you have any more questions about nightguards or anything else, feel free to call our office at (301) 812-4599.