Dr. Michelle Samuel

Dr. Michelle Samuel

Dr. Michelle Samuel



Dr. Michelle Samuel was born and raised in Maryland. She attended both elementary and high school in the Takoma Park area. She graduated from Pacific Union College in Angwin, California, with her degree in Business Administration. She attended the University of Maryland Dental School and graduated with her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 2013.

Dr. Samuel chose the dental profession after she went on a mission trip to Mexico at an orphanage and observed the dental need among the children. When she observed the services her father was able to provide for the children, she was convinced that dentistry was the field for her. Thus, she joined him in his practice in Laurel, MD. She looks forward to taking part in mission trips as a regular part of her career.

Throughout dental school, Dr. Samuel enjoyed taking part in community outreach, such as volunteering at health fairs and at church community fairs. She also participated in extracurricular activities such as student clubs that mentored younger classmates and interviewed incoming dental students.

Dr. Samuel enjoys traveling, amateur photography, running, and reading.

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