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Dental Cleaning

What amounts to good oral health? It doesn’t include only brushing and flossing your teeth, but visiting us for teeth cleaning too. 

Teeth cleaning happens to be one of the essential procedures to opt for to maintain your oral health in the long run. Your teeth are often exposed to bacteria, germs, food particles, and other substances. If these elements are not removed on time, they may cause tooth decay which may further spread to your gums and cause gum disease and infection. 

We advise you to visit us for teeth cleaning every six months to keep your oral health in check. 

What Happens During Teeth Cleaning? 

  • Physical Examination 

We will conduct your physical examination to check the overall condition of your teeth and gums. It may also include taking your X-rays and other scans

  • Removal of Plaque and Tartar

Plaque and tartar are the deposits that build up on the surface of your teeth. They not only make your teeth look discolored but also lead to tooth decay and infection. We will use dental instruments and remove the accumulation from the surface of your teeth and your gum line. This process is known as scaling. 

In the next step, we will polish your gums to smoothen them. This process is known as root planing. We may also perform flossing to remove minute particles settled between your teeth. 

  • Rinsing 

We will rinse your mouth thoroughly to remove all the leftover substances and impurities from your mouth. 

  • Fluoride Treatment 

If required, we may give you a fluoride treatment. The procedure involves using a fluoride gel on the surface of your teeth. After the application, we will keep it for some time before rinsing. Ensure not to eat or drink anything for 30 minutes after fluoride treatment. 

What are the Benefits of Teeth Cleaning? 

  • Teeth cleaning involves taking your dental X-rays and scans. It helps us to detect a dental problem early and provide a suitable treatment for it. 
  • Regular teeth cleaning sessions ensure that you do not suffer from cavities. It is one of the best ways to keep tooth and gum decay at bay. 
  • Teeth cleaning helps maintain your oral hygiene
  • It is an affordable procedure suitable for people of all age groups. 
  • When you opt for teeth cleaning regularly, you also say goodbye to bad breath.
  • Teeth cleaning is a cost-effective treatment widely available. It helps you save your money in the long run. 

To find out more about the dental services we offer at Montpelier Family Dentistry, Laurel, MD, call (301) 812-4599 or schedule an online consultation.

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